Have you ever posted something conservative at Facebook, only to have some nameless “fact checker” delete it? Who then shake their self-righteous finger at you, accusing you of posting something that goes against their “community standards?” Or at the very least they promote a link to a liberal website to counter what you posted. Maddening, isn’t it?
Ah, now we have proof that these fact-checkers are anything but the “non-partisan” saints that claim to be.
However, it wasn’t our mainstream media who unmasked one of the most egregious of this duplicitous crew. Sky News Australia actually did some fact-checking of their own — you know, “investigative reporting” — and found that a Hillary Clinton activist is a “fact check certifier.”
Yes, Virginia, there is such a thing as a “fact check certifier.” There’s also an organization called the “International Fact-Checking Network.” And Margot Susca, a rabid Hillary supporter, has been responsible for issuing fact-check licenses for the network.
Who is Margot Susca? If you do an internet search, about all you’ll find on the first page is that she’s a journalism professor at American University. She also runs an “investigative workshop” at AU, according to its faculty page. Which is really ironic considering that her political investigations seem to run only in one biased direction.
Alisdare Hickson/flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0.
Susca even appeared several times on the propaganda network Russia Today. She said this about President Trump during one appearance, admitting to her own bias:
“It is hard for me to be an objective observer of this presidential administration when for years now they have continuously tried to delegitimise and marginalise news reporters for doing their constitutionally protected job.”
Yet Susca is supposed to be an objective, expert fact-checker whose lofty endeavor is to certify aspiring fact-checkers.
Give me a break.
Sky News Australia questioned how the public could rely on Susca to be fair. So they asked her questions.
She responded by playing the victim and accusing Sky News of “threatening” her.
“Your email was meant to be threatening and, quite frankly, I find its tone abhorrent. I’ve worked in journalism or media for decades so your accusation that I don’t take it seriously is egregious and you should be ashamed of yourself.”
Poor Margot Susca.
However, Sky News didn’t back down. They exposed Susca for the hack she is.
As for the International Fact-Checking Network: they claim to follow a “code of principles.” That code requires that a fact-checker not be affiliated with any political party or candidate. But where were those principles when Margot Susca issued multiple fact-checking licenses?
Meanwhile, Facebook still claims that the International Fact-Checking Network is “non-partisan.” And I have this bridge to sell you, too.
But Facebook isn’t the only Big Tech outlet to use leftwing hacks as “fact checkers.” USA Today uses college kids in that role, including some who believe President Trump is a Nazi and that his campaign used a Nazi eagle on t-shirts. Does USA Today police their fact checkers? Apparently not.
This isn’t just frustrating. This is pure censorship, which is downright deadly for a republic that boasts of freedom of speech.
Featured image: Joe Flood/flickr/cropped/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.
The post Fact Checker Unmasked: Hillary Clinton Activist appeared first on Victory Girls Blog.